Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Why don't I update?

The only time I ever did a great amount of blogging was in college, to pass the time between classes. I just hardly feel the need. I don't think my life is that interesting, I'm too lazy, and the only person who would read it is Don anyway. But right now I'm unnecessarily awake at 5 in the morning, watching Sweeney Todd, which is still a fantastic movie that I absolutely love. I've talked about my top 5 favorite movies before (not via blog), but never a top 10; I've never mentioned that second half. I've never realized what those other movies were, as I always had a hard enough time rounding out the first 5. Lately, I've been realizing movies I love almost unrequitedly and can quote from ad nauseum (Sweeney not being one I can quote from - yet). So here's an attempt at a top 10 list (no special order except for #1, and the first 5 definitely come before the second 5).

1. Back to the Future
2. Ferris Bueller's Day Off
3. Fight Club
4. Slumdog Millionaire.
5. Say Anything*
6. Last Action Hero
7. Mission: Impossible (Just the first one)
8. Sweeney Todd
9. Beverly Hills Cop
10. Harold & Kumar Go To White Castle AND Grandma's Boy

*And lately, a movie that is sort of the immediate offspring of this movie in romanticism and realness has caught my attention, and perhaps after a few re-watchings could make a top 15 list: In Search Of A Midnight Kiss. So good.

Those last two get lumped together in that one always reminds me of the other - I think of both as stoner comedies I can watch over and over again without getting tired of them (as I can do with every movie on this list). I know this because I've done it.

Something of note: Notice the lack of Kevin Smith, Coen Bros., Spielberg, Matt Damon, Melville, Hitchcock, Tarantino... All of whom I love greatly but who just don't quite fit into a top 10 list... I also just realized Dumb & Dumber is not on this list, though I've seen it so many times and have been in the mood to watch it yet again... Not that I need to, it's not a surprise anymore as to what happens. (Maybe I'll blog sometime about the re-watching over and over again of movies, enjoying them even knowing exactly what will happen next).

That's all for now, it's back to bed for me. Night, all.

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