Thursday, September 13, 2007

Bush's next invasion: My TV

George W. Bush's Presidential Address is winding down now. He hasn't said anything noteworthy for the past few minutes, so I'm assuming it's safe to already start blogging about it.

Success in Iraq! (we all new this was coming before Petraeus ever gave his testimony.)

Troops coming home!

-- Okay, about this last bit. I'm wholly glad that there will be 5,700 troops coming home by Christmas. And the fact that the troops sent over for the surge will essentially be gone. This, of course, is good news. Then he said something interesting - he said that those who have been pro-war and those who have been pro-bringing-troops-home, while previously being on opposing sides, should now come to a close. He also stated his policy on bringing troops home: "Return on success."
Here's my interpretation: "Now that I've said this, if you support bringing the troops home, you must also be pro-war. Winning this war is the only way to bring troops home. (Insert Jon Stewart's evil Bush laugh)." This angered me a little bit. It sounded like he was telling me, now that he's conceded a little, that I shouldn't any longer be opposed to this war.
Thankfully, I have the freedom to keep my own opinion, and I shall.

Of course, since this is Bush, he made sure that we didn't forget that the terrorists are still our enemy. And, of course, he let us know that if we lose in Iraq, the terrorists will have a place to thrive.
I refuse to believe that Iraq is the only place terrorists will ever train. You can't kill all terrorists, they exist everywhere, because terrorism is based on differing ideologies, and ideologies cannot be quelled. (Terrorists can be white, too - remember Timothy McVeigh?) Victory in Iraq does not equate to the end of terrorism. Not all fights can be won, especially ideological ones.

Afterwards, the newscaster on Fox pre-empted the "democrat argument" that the success has only been a military success, not a political one. This is a valid argument, as the surge was supposed to give the government time to progress politically. Once again, we have to settle for less success than we originally intended and act like it's what we wanted in the first place.

Oh well. Liberals will complain. Conservatives will complain about the liberals complaining. This is how things go. Unfortunately.

UPDATE: After writing this, I read this article on (a good news site, everyone should check it out daily, weekly, or whenever possible).

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